Monday, April 2, 2012

My Sakubva My Concern

This week l will post statements from some of our facebook group members.Although there were many l chose these three because they bring out the issues we are trying to address as ReSa.
Jokes aside good people, we all must work to eliminate the evil drink ZED from our streets and tuck shops. Zed is a cane spirit quite similar to Mainstay but they differ in the level of purity. Cheap cane spirits are often made from industrial grade ethanol, which is not sufficiently distilled to remove other toxic alcohols such as methanol. It is often referred to as fusel oil or bad oil because of the presence of unacceptably high levels of methanol in it .Now Methanol is a light neurotoxin and continual consumption may lead to blindness and uncontrollable convulsions of the hands and fingers. heap cane spirits also have an unacceptably high alcohol content (known as degrees proof in chemistry) and this overloads the liver,eventually leading to liver cirhosis. PLEASE LET US DESIST FROM POISONING OURSELVES WIH THESE CHEAP BREWS. KANA MARI YEDORO YASHAIKWA DRINK WATER PERIOD. 4
Woeshik MangeziLucia Mbofana, please always feel free to use my contributions in any way that you deem fit. The problems are poverty and the symptoms it begets, unemployent and drunkeness. there also seems to be a high drop out rate from school and the abscence of many role models (there are some but not enough) and social and professional mentors for the young ones are short. Although many people are doing "chrismatic church", there nonetheless is a high level of moral degradation.

There doesn't seem to be much strong parliamentarians to represent Mutare as a whole.At the same time lack of education is killing our place.You give them public toilets with tiles,they steal them tiles,clean toilets,they mess them up.A lot of people are still living in squalid conditions eg Muchena,Mundembe,Maonde etc.Public toilets in this 21st century should be a thing of the past.Let me end here today.I can write a book.I was born in Sakubva.I know it more than I can imagine.Taiemba juru juru woye paBhaiti if you think I'm fake(We used to sing jurujuru woye at Beit Hall if you think l am fake)

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